Monday, April 23, 2012

My own Devices....

Day 23 Health Activists Writers Blog

Today's prompt: Health Activist Choice Day - Write about whatever you want.

As a parent of cwd (children with diabetes) when I think of Devices I automatically think of my kids insulin pumps, glucometers, and the Dexcom that is still sitting in its box getting dusty. All the pwd (people with diabetes) or other parents of cwd that stumble upon my blog (or are guilted into reading it because I self-promote it 5 times a day on twitter) also very likely think of pumps, glucometers and CGMs (continuous glucose monitors - ie Dexcom). People without diabetes that read the word 'Devices' likely think of phones, MP3 players, or tablets.

However - I am not thinking of electronics during this post. Here is what I am thinking of:

Device: A plan or a scheme for effecting a purpose.

Why do I advocate? Why do I volunteer for the JDRF presenting the Kids Walk to Cure Diabetes? Why do I share great blog posts (others as well as mine)? Why do I share information about new technology and promising research? Why do I do my best to change stereotype perceptions regarding diabetes (all types)? Why do I insist on 504 plans for my kids? Why do I take my kids to diabetes camps? Why do I form a JDRF walk team? Why do I spend hours writing a blog? Why do I spend hours tweeting with other pwd and parents of cwd?  Why why why why....

Because I have a plan with a purpose - to end diabetes, to end misconceptions, to end bullying, to end sadness, to end confusion, to end it all.

I advocate for those with diabetes because change happens when we make it happen through action. Writing letters to government officials to support diabetes research lets those individuals know we are watching and we vote.

I volunteer for JDRF because my time and ability to speak in front of large groups (including kids) is more valuable than the modest amount of money I can afford to give (although I give that too). I educate the kids regarding healthy life style choices to hopefully prevent type 2 diabetes (although not all type 2 diabetes is caused by poor lifestyle choices) and I educate the kids about what Diabetes is, that it isn't contagious, that a person that has Type 1 didn't do anything wrong to get it, that a person with Type 1 can do everything a person without Type 1 can do but also has to do extra things to stay safe, I educate them on how they can help end diabetes by supporting organizations that fund research. The Kids Walk is my most favorite thing to do regarding diabetes education.

I share diabetes blogs on Facebook, Twitter and Emails because sharing our struggles, successes and failures benefits everyone effected by diabetes. It isn't because misery loves company - it is because we need to know we aren't alone - we aren't the only parents that missed a high at night, or a low on the playground, or whose child is being non-compliant.

I share information about new technologies and research because it provides hope, it shows things are moving forward and even though the 5 Year mark (the number of years we are told at diagnosis in which a cure will be found) passes without a cure - we see progress.

I interrupt strangers I overhear speaking incorrectly about diabetes to educate them - to change the worlds perception of either that a) me or my kids did something wrong and thus got diabetes b) only people who are obese and lazy get Type 2 diabetes c)  people with Type 1 cannot eat a cupcake d) diabetes is easy.

I insist on 504 plans for my kids at school because I want them in a safe environment, I want them protected, I want the schools to know I WILL hold them accountable if they deny my children the care they require to stay safe.

I take my kids to diabetes camps because at camp my kids feel normal. At camp my kids see that they can do everything they dream of despite diabetes. I take my kids to camp because meeting other kids with diabetes helps my kids feel less alone.

I form a JDRF walk team to support an organization that funds research that will lead to a cure and end all the madness. I form a team to invite those without diabetes to get involved. I form a team to support my children.

I write a blog because it provides me a place to share, vent, whine, advocate, educate, support, laugh, and even cry aloud through my words. I write a blog because at some point in the future my kids will want to know "what did I do to end the madness" (although I am fairly certain they see and hear all I do). I write a blog because maybe there is a parent out there with a newly diagnosed child searching the Internet for information - maybe they will find my blog and they will see that while they have entered a world of madness there are others here to help them. I write a blog because one day maybe one of my dreams of writing a book or becoming a motivational speaker or a presenter at conferences will be realized and I will have all my past posts to draw inspiration and information from.

I spend hours a week tweeting with other pwd and parents of cwd because I don't know everything (shhhh don't tell my kids) and I can and have learned so much from the people I follow. The DOC (diabetes online community) is like camp for me - it allows me to believe I can do everything everyone else is doing and mostly I AM NOT ALONE.

My devices are not a part of a scheme - they are not intended to be tricky or mischievous.

My devices are fueled by my desire NEED to end the madness.


  1. Thanks Shannon - I love that you comment on my blog. I look forward to a beach trip soon.
