Thursday, May 17, 2012

Feeling Thankful Today

I know it is day 4 of the Diabetes Blog Week and I will get to my fantasy device post soon - I promise.

But first....

I have been crazy busy for the past 3 weeks trying to pull my house together and get it "show" ready so it can be put on the market. Not an easy feat for a uberdisorganized gal.

When we sold our last home my kids were 4 & 2 and my third was due to arrive in about 6 weeks. Our house was 1700sqft with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and no extra rooms. It took me a month to organize, clear out, clean and touch up our home to make it market ready.

Our current home is 3600sqft 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, office, game room, and formal dining room. My kids are now 12, 10 and 8 and have all the junk that goes with spoiled kids those ages. My kids are also attending school and it is the end of the year and everyone is demanding my time and energy. Not even mentioning the diabetes crud (well I mentioned it but I'm not going to highlight all the time, energy, and clutter it takes up). Also - hubby isn't here - he is already in CA working so I am flying solo. - Oh and I am supposed to be house hunting online as well as finding, scanning and faxing or emailing documents hubby needs to purchase a new home.

I am NOT whining. I know we are blessed and this is a great adventure for us. The hard work is worth the new experiences we will enjoy. It is just all time consuming and I have found little time for myself these last few weeks - including time to browse twitter and blogs. I even missed DSMA live cant last night - still sad about that.

So this morning while drinking my 5th cup of coffee (don't judge - recent studies show people who drink coffee live longer) I browsed twitter and caught up on some of my favorite blogs as well as a few new ones thanks to the Diabetes Blog Week List. It felt good to be among so many that I feel connected to even if Ive never interacted with them.  While browsing twitter I began thinking about  my first days on twitter. I was a newbie - virgin tweeter if you will. But I didn't feel new for long. There were a handful (really more like an armful) of folks who welcomed me and made me feel like part of something great.

So this morning I want to thank those individuals who followed me before they really knew me - and continue to follow me despite that they now know me.

  • Kerri @sixuntilme - you are a blog goddess and all around fabulous person. You inspire, educated, entertain and support like no other.
  • Cherise @sweetercherise & @diabetessocialmed - you keep us in line, keep us united and keep us real - it helps that you are funny as all hell and offer endless encouragement.
  • Kelly @kellyrawlings - your support and advocacy are wonderful and you sent me my favorite mug - ;)
  • Marie @cellobard - there are not enough kind words in the English language for me to describe how much I care for you and your wonderful music - a few would be: brave, honest, kind, loving, inspiring, friend, and true. 
  • Lea @luvleamum - first Dmama that I found and found me back on twitter - you make me smile 
  • Tim @bleedingfinger - Ddad - you are just awesome
  • Penny @p_spore - you love Reese's Peanut Butter Cups as much as me - that's enough to make me like you lots - helps that you make me giggle too
  • Shannon @Shanmarengo - you are an amazing mom, friend, pwd, and fellow Texan - I am grateful for all your support and blog comments
  • Brian @bosh - you make me lol and you are the ultimate draw something Picasso (sorry I haven't played in so long)
  • Jeff @betespora - you always find time to comment on my tweets and your encouragement as a pwd to me (a mom of cwd) makes me feel like I am doing something right
  • Sara @saraknic - you make me laugh 
There are many many many more fantastically wonderful amazing pwd and parents of cwd that I follow & follow me back who provide me with hours of entertainment on twitter and in their blogs. My list could continue for pages if I listed everyone and how you all make my life more enjoyable and simply better. 

Thank you DOC - all of you. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, thanks for complement! I was completely thrilled when I found another mulit-d-kid parent. But I was kind of sad in the same way, and you more than understand what I mean. Thank again for all the support and kind words!
